The web interface on multiple Samsung Harman AMX N-Series devices allows directory listing for the /tmp/ directory, without authentication, exposing sensitive information such as the command history and screenshot of the file being processed. This affects N-Series N1115 Wallplate Video Encoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N1x22A Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N1x33A Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N1x33 Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N2x35 Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N2x35A Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N2xx2 Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N2xx2A Video Encoder/Decoder before 1.15.61, N-Series N3000 Video Encoder/Decoder before 2.12.105, and N-Series N4321 Audio Transceiver before 1.00.06.